Whew, it sure has been some time since I last wrote a blog post! I am super excited to share that I finally figured out this blogging thing through WordPress, and not just through my website. I first published my website last June, and so much stuff has happened since then. One of my 2018 goals is to blog consistently, so here goes nothing!
2017 certainly was one for the books! As I mentioned above, I published my website, finished my last semester of college, GOT ENGAGED WOOO! and graduated on December 21. It is still crazy to think how much happened in a short time frame! So many blessings <3 With all of that being said, 2018 has been full of wedding planning, business planning and working! I am ready to tackle some of my photography goals, starting by blogging frequently. I will be sharing another blog post soon with some work from one of my most recent sessions, and I can’t wait to share these images! Naturally, I had to share a picture of the most beautiful ring I have ever laid eyes on! Peach Champagne Sapphires are just SO pretty and I still cannot believe I get to wear this stunning piece of jewelry!